Grant Resources

Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy is a private pay only clinic. Here are some resources for families to access funds that can help with therapy and equipment costs.

United Healthcare Children’s Foundation

UHC offers financial support to families by granting help with medical expenses not covered, or not full covered, by a family’s commercial health insurance.

Special Angels Foundation

Special Angels Foundation provide support in obtaining therapies, equipment and resources to families raising children with special needs.

The LENN Foundation

The LENN Foundation provides grant opportunities for children with cerebral palsy to receive the pediatric intensive therapies they need to thrive.

Cerner Charitable Foundation

Cerner Charitable Foundation provides equitable access to healthcare for children through individual medical grants and health and wellness programming.

Wheel to Walk Foundation

Wheel to Walk is a non profit organization that helps children with disabilities, 20 years and younger, obtain medical and adaptive equipment or therapy services not provided by insurance.