Trexo Magic Happens Here!

Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy strives to treat the whole person, the whole body, the entire unit with a passion for combining loving care, attention to emotional well-being, and the support of scientifically backed modalities to make real changes.

Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy believes in bringing families access to the best treatment options available to help a child. The Trexo provides a child with the best tools to build their physical strength, muscle control and endurance, while attending to their needs as a ‘whole human’ (body and mind connection). An empowered child meets higher goals and finds motivation and self-esteem in that empowerment.

Start your Trexo journey!

Why Trexo Robotics?

When Kelly, (owner of Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy) was asked to help out in the Trexo Robotics booth at the Abilities Convention Los Angeles, she was overcome by the experience. Helping families assist their child in getting into the Trexo device for the first time was humbling — they each had a big, big journey just to get to this place. Watching the expression on the faces of the children and their parents as the child took their first “stroll” around a trade show floor is a joy that everyone should get to see. The beautiful changes that happen when a child and a family feel real hope for the future were witnessed over and over. Seeing the pride in a child’s eyes the first time they are able to lead the way and have their siblings and parents following them was priceless.

The owner of Trexo, ManMeet, designed the Trexo by combining his scientific knowledge of robotics engineering with his love for his nephew with Cerebral Palsy whom he created it for. Throughout the 2-day convention, many parents and families were asking to get on the already filled waiting list to have a chance to test out a device that could change their child’s life and Kelly was the person to tell them “I’m sorry, the spaces are filled” without any suggestion about where they can access a device like this for their child at another time. Then the light bulb shattered and Kelly decided that the next step for Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy was to welcome the Trexo into the list of offerings for custom therapy services. An answer to the many parents seeking the best for their kids. Love and science for the win!

  • Trexo Robotics gait training system is a robotic device that attaches to a dynamic Rifton gait trainer (which allows the option for the therapist to use added trunk and neck supports if needed during the Trexo session). The gait patterns of the device is setup and controlled via tablet with a trained Trexo team member at Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy to ensure it is safe and comfortable for the child.

    Depending on the child’s needs, the Trexo can provide a personalized experience for your child’s needs. Adjustable features include the amount of weight bearing, the gait pattern, the speed of the device, and the level of assistance the device offers (less assistance or no assistance is a goal and an option to control as your child begins to initiate steps independently on the Trexo. The active assist feature, for example, is a commonly used feature which best supports children who are already walking or able to initiate steps but need the support of proper alignment and varying levels of control or initiation.

    When a child participates in a Trexo session, they receive a ‘Trexo report card’ which is a printout of how many steps were taken, how much assistance was needed vs. how many steps were self-initiated, etc. This is a concrete way for kids and parents to map progress and a great motivator. Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy stores each child’s data for future review and for ongoing assessment of a child’s progress.

  • When love and science join, watch out! Here are just a few benefits of the Trexo robotic gait trainer:

    Improved mobility, range of motion, and endurance
    Children with neuromotor involvement can benefit from the repetitive nature and proper alignment of walking in order to pave neural pathways for new motor patterns. Simply put, our brains learn to walk by walking. Movement is medicine! Moving the body contributes to improved joint health, bone density, blood circulation, range of motion, and the ability to participate in these activities for ideal timeframes without fatigue is an added bonus of increased endurance.

    Improved neck and trunk strength
    Parents often think about the strong core and functional neck control as precursors to walking- not always the case! If your child struggles with neck and trunk control, the Trexo may be just the missing link to establishing a strong neck and core through regular Trexo sessions. Weightbearing through mobile joints over time and gradually decreasing postural assists as your child gets stronger is the key to a solid Trexo program. Don't wait for neck and trunk control! The Trexo actually builds trunk and neck strength by activating and using the postural muscles required for holding the head and spine up against gravity.

    Improved social/emotional health:

    The upright mobility a Trexo provides offers multiple benefits for social emotional well being. Walking in a Trexo, exploring an environment, provides a child with a sense of autonomy and control in a world where their norm might be a constant need for help and assistance. A Trexo session can provide improved self-esteem and an unmatched sense of independence and pride. Many parents report their child to have improved mood, boosted confidence and social emotional well-being following a Trexo session.

    Improved sensory processing
    The proprioceptive and vestibular system are activated when the Trexo is in use. Children benefit from the regulating effects of experiencing sustained proprioceptive and vestibular sensory feedback and will frequently be more at ease (a result of the neuro-regulating effects) following a Trexo workout. Stimulating the vestibular system improves a child's awareness of their own position in space and how their own body movement affects that, and the proprioceptive activation can improve a child's understanding of 'grading of force' for movements so they can understand better how much force needs to be exerted to complete certain movements.

    I could go on an on — come see for yourself! If you want to discuss specific goals your child is working on, please contact us

  • Easy peasy — right here! Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy is proud to be the home of the only Trexo device for clinic use in Southern California! We know how valuable this can be for parents, especially if they’re on the fence about getting one for home and curious about how their child might experience it. Reserve your spot using this form and we’ll get you booked to get movin’ and groovin’ with the Trexo.

    Size requirements as follows:
    Users that have a leg length from greater trochanter to where their heel makes contact with the ground between 37 and 57 centimeters. The weight capacity is 80 lbs.

    More sizing details here.

  • Contraindications to using the Trexo include children who have joint contractures in the ankles, knees and/or hips, hip subluxation, children who are unable to tolerate weight bearing on their lower extremities (in other words can the child be positioned in standing using a device and can they tolerate this position), and children who are unable to be positioned in the foot plates due to deformity or otherwise inability to don footwear (AFO’s are ok if required for standing as long as a shoe is worn over the AFO).

    If you would like to discuss whether your child is a candidate for the Trexo at Wetherbee Pediatric Therapy, please contact us here. If you are interested in purchasing a Trexo for your home use, please contact Trexo here.